1 hour with me over video call could change the way you feel in your body.
Chances are, you are reading this because things in your life (and in your body/heart) feel out of alignment and it's been a while since you've felt aligned.
I believe Reiki can help you!
What does a reiki Session feel like?
Reiki sessions are conducted over Google Meets. You should be in a comfortable space where you can lie back and relax deeply. Most importantly, this hour must take place in a space where you will not be interrupted.
First, we will chat for a few moments to set your intention for the session.
Next, I will guide you into a relaxed and meditative calm. Your only ob throughout the session will be to breath and notice what feelings and sensations come up in your body while I help guide your energy into a healthy flow.
Finally, we will chat some more about what you experienced during the session and what you might want to be mindful of as your system continues to flush out the junk you no longer need.
Reiki is not associated with any religion.
Reiki works by targeting and flushing out stuck energy in the body.
Reiki cannot harm you in any way, there are no negative side effects.
Reiki via distance healing is just as effective as an in-person session.
Feel stuck in life.
Are experiencing chronic inflammation.
Are not sleeping well and want some relief.
Most people get great results from 3 or 4 sessions booked every other week.